7 CBD Oil Benefits Supported by Science

The chemical component known as cannabidiol, or CBD, is present in the cannabis sativa plant. Applying CBD topically, inhaling smoke, or consuming it as an edible interacts with your body’s neuroreceptors in the endocannabinoid system, which helps control your immune system, mobility, mood, and homeostasis.

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In order to make CBD oil for ingestion, it is commonly extracted from the cannabis sativa plant and combined with an inert carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil. Specifically, 55% of the 2,000 U.S. individuals surveyed by OnePoll for Forbes Health use CBD oils and tinctures out of the 60% of Americans who claim having used CBD previously.

1. Counteract Depression and Anxiety

The most well-known benefit of CBD and the main factor behind its widespread use is probably its calming properties. A 2017 research published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry examined 57 men’s anxiety levels through a practice exam for public speaking. Before giving their presentations, some people got a placebo, while others had 150, 300, or 600 mg of CBD. When compared to those who got a placebo, individuals who took 300 mg of CBD throughout the test reported far less anxiety. It’s interesting to note that compared to the 300 mg group, those who got 150 or 600 milligrams of CBD felt more anxious during the test.

In the meanwhile, CBD has been shown in at least one mouse research to have effects akin to those of the antidepressant imipramine. However, in order to determine whether CBD may cause the same antidepressant effect in human bodies, human experiments are required.

2. Handle Particular Epilepsy Syndromes

CBD may be used to treat epileptic seizures in some situations.

The FDA authorized the use of CBD under the trade name Epidiolex in 2018 to treat seizures in kids who were at least 2 years old that were caused by Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, two uncommon types of epilepsy.

The FDA’s judgment is based on three carefully reviewed research. 516 individuals with Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome participated in these trials and were given Epidiolex or a placebo. When used with other prescription drugs, epidiolex reduced the number of seizures per subject when compared to a placebo.

3. Diminish PTSD’s Symptoms

In a modest 2018 research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, eleven patients with PTSD received regular psychiatric therapy in an outpatient clinic for eight weeks, in addition to CBD. In ten out of the eleven cases, the symptoms of PTSD decreased. The researchers report that CBD was usually well tolerated.

The need of combining therapy with any kind of cannabis or CBD for PTSD is emphasized by Margaret Rajnic, a doctor of nursing practice with experience in medical cannabis and CBD. “PTSD requires a certain amount of therapy,” the expert states. “However, CBD will help you feel a little less anxious.”

From 2012 to 2016, four more human trials indicated that CBD decreased symptoms of PTSD; however, several of the trials used THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis. Together, THC and CBD provide a “entourage effect,” enhancing the advantages and strength of each compound. For instance, consuming the same dosage of THC and CBD concurrently lessens the “high” from THC, whereas combining only a small amount of THC with greater CBD increases the benefits of the CBD.

4. Address Opioid Dependency

Certain research, including preclinical experiments on animals and human subjects, indicate that CBD may have potential use in the treatment of opioid dependence.

In one such trial, individuals with heroin use disorders received CBD from researchers. CBD dramatically lowered the cue-induced cravings, withdrawal symptoms, resting heart rate, and salivary cortisol levels in heroin addicts over the course of a week. There were no severe side effects discovered.

Studies have shown that CBD can help people with drug use disorders with a range of psychological and physiological symptoms, including pain, sleeplessness, and anxiety. This suggests that CBD could be a useful therapy for opioid addiction. Still, further research is required.

5. Reduce the Symptoms of ALS

The illness known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) results in the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, which gradually worsens the loss of muscular function. Although ALS can occasionally run in families, the specific cause of the disease is still unknown. There are only two FDA-approved drugs to assist treat the symptoms of ALS; there is no known cure.

According to research, ALS patients may profit from the entourage effect that THC and CBD together produce, just as PTSD sufferers. Patients in a 2019 research were given different amounts of THC and CBD in accordance with their requirements and preferences. High levels of satisfaction with the therapy were reported by individuals with mild, moderate, or severe spasticity (muscle tightness and stiffness) caused by ALS, and those with moderate to severe spasticity reported greater satisfaction rates than those with mild spasticity.

6. Ease Intolerable Pain

Canada authorized the use of Sativex, an oromucosal spray (absorbed in the mouth lining) containing equal amounts of THC and CBD, in 2005 for the management of central neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis. Canada authorized the drug’s repurposing in 2007 for cancer pain that did not improve with conventional treatments.

Ongoing research conducted in the United States suggests that CBD is useful in the treatment of persistent, non-cancerous pain. In one study from 2020, people with symptomatic peripheral neuropathy—a disorder caused by damage to the brain and spinal cord—got topical administration of CBD from researchers, while another set of patients with the same illness received a placebo. The subjects who applied topical CBD exhibited a statistically significant decrease in both severe, piercing pain and chilly, itching feelings as compared to the placebo group. Participants did not report any negative side effects.

CBD oil used topically doesn’t have the same effect on the systemic problem as it could if it were injected intravenously. Topical CBD, on the other hand, is more focused and relieves pain locally. It can have a more noticeable effect since it is more direct.

7. Reduce Complications from Diabetes

First off, experiments conducted on human cells have revealed that CBD can lessen the impact that elevated glucose levels have on other bodily cells. This effect usually occurs prior to the onset of diabetes and its attendant consequences. Researchers came to the conclusion that, with more research, CBD may provide notable advantages for people with diabetes, diabetic complications, and arterial wall plaque accumulation.

In a separate short research, CBD and a placebo (instead of insulin) were administered to 13 type 2 diabetes patients who were not receiving insulin therapy. In comparison to their baselines prior to the test, the researchers discovered that CBD increased the levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (a hormone that guarantees a sufficient release of insulin from digested food) and decreased the levels of resistin (which causes resistance to insulin, the protein that regulates sugar levels). These findings imply that CBD may help the body control insulin-related hormone levels, which may make it a viable natural therapy for diabetes.